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Are you getting enough nutrients? check yes or no
August 22, 2024

Nutrient deficiencies are often the hidden cause behind common symptoms such as fatigue and muscle aches. While deficiencies aren’t as common in modern America as they once were, they are still potential problems that can cause a number of diseases and health issues by altering bodily functions and processes at the cellular level. Keep reading to learn more about some of the most common nutrient deficiencies and how to combat them.

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very important for bone health, and there’s evidence to suggest that low levels of this vitamin may even be associated with an increased risk of prostate and breast cancer. If you have a nutrient deficiency of vitamin D, you could eventually experience softening of your bones and an increased risk of autoimmune diseases. Most adults need 15 mcg of vitamin D each day, and older adults need more. The best source is sunlight exposure, but you can also get this vitamin from fortified dairy, fatty fish, and vitamin D supplements.

2. Iron

foods high in iron

Another one of the most common nutrient deficiencies is iron. Iron is an essential mineral that helps your red blood cells transport oxygen to your cells. More than 25 percent of people worldwide are affected by iron deficiency, and this percentage is much higher in preschool children and women who are menstruating or pregnant. Vegetarians and vegans are at an increased risk of iron deficiency because they do not consume animal products. Heme iron is much more easily absorbed in the body, and it is found in red meat, organ meat, shellfish, and canned sardines. Non-heme iron can be found in beans, leafy greens, and seeds. Increasing your intake of vitamin C may help your body more effectively absorb iron.

3. Calcium

Calcium is a mineral that is very important for bone health and essential for every cell in the body. Without calcium, your bones would be fragile and your nerves, muscles, and heart would not be able to function. The most common symptom of this nutrient deficiency is osteoporosis, which is especially common in older adults. Some of the best dietary sources of calcium include dairy products, dark green vegetables, and boned fish like sardines. You can also take calcium supplements to increase your intake of this essential mineral.

4. Vitamin B12

foods with vitamin b12

One of the common nutrient deficiencies is vitamin B12. This water-soluble vitamin is also known as cobalamin, and it is essential for blood formation and nerve and brain function. Vitamin B12 is only found in sufficient levels in animal foods, though small quantities can also be found in certain types of seaweed. Around 80 to 90 percent of vegetarians and vegans may be deficient in this vitamin because they do not eat animal products. Common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include megaloblastic anemia, impaired brain function, and elevated homocysteine levels. The best dietary sources of this vitamin are shellfish, red meat, organ meat, eggs, and milk products.

5. Potassium

Potassium aids in the function of the heart, muscles, and nerves, and it helps in the delivery of nutrients and removal of waste in cells. It can also offset the negative effect of sodium on blood pressure. Things like excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhea, antibiotics, laxatives or diuretics, and alcohol can lower your levels of potassium. If you have this nutrient deficiency, you may notice muscle weakness, cramps, spasms, constipation, numbness, tingling, or heart palpitations. Great sources of potassium include bananas, lentils, acorn squash, milk, and legumes.

6. Magnesium

magnesium-rich foods and magnesium supplements

Another one of the common nutrient deficiencies is magnesium. This mineral is essential for bone and tooth structure and is also involved in many enzyme reactions. Approximately 70 percent of the US population under 71 years old and 80 percent of those older do not consume enough magnesium. Several conditions are associated with low magnesium levels, such as osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. Signs of this deficiency may include muscle cramps, abnormal heart rhythm, migraines, fatigue, and restless leg syndrome. You get this mineral from whole grains, dark chocolate, nuts, leafy greens, and magnesium supplements.

7. Folate

Folate, or vitamin B9, is an especially important nutrient for women of childbearing age. This vitamin supports healthy fetal growth and reduces the risk of birth defects. Symptoms of a folate deficiency may include irritability, fatigue, diarrhea, and a smooth, tender-feeling tongue. Foods that contain folate include dark leafy greens, eggs, beans, whole grains, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and fortified cereals. However, this vitamin is best absorbed in supplement form as folic acid.

Combat Nutrient Deficiencies with the Help of Freedom Functional Medicine

Now you know more about some of the most common nutrient deficiencies and how you can combat them by eating a diverse diet. Do you want to find out if you have a deficiency in essential nutrients? Here at Freedom Functional Medicine, we offer a Nutritional Assessment that shows blood levels of a number of key nutrients. Based on the results, we can then recommend diet changes and resources to help you take control of your health and wellness. Schedule a consultation with one of our experts today to get started!

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