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spraying bug spray on arm while outside
July 16, 2024

The warmer months may be backyard barbecue season, but they are also mosquito season. Unfortunately, it’s common to get bit by mosquitoes and other insects this time of year because you and they are both more active outdoors. Bug bites can be itchy, painful, and irritating, so you’ll want to take steps to avoid getting bit. Here are some tips to protect yourself and your loved ones against bug bites:

1. Avoid Peak Mosquito Hours

One of the best ways to prevent bug bites is to avoid being outdoors during peak mosquito hours. Mosquitoes and other biting insects tend to be more active around dusk and dawn when they come out to feed. If possible, try to stay indoors during these times to minimize your risk of getting bit.

2. Use a Fan

blue electric fan with trees in background

Almost any breeze over 1 mile per hour can make it difficult for mosquitoes to fly. This means a great way to protect against bug bites is to sit in a breezy spot or set up a fan to keep air flowing. It’s best to aim the fan at the lower half of your body, as these bugs tend to fly close to the ground to avoid wind.

3. Apply Bug Spray

One of the most effective ways to prevent bug bites is to apply bug spray to your clothes and skin. You can choose bug sprays that contain DEET or picaridin, both of which are active ingredients that work well at repelling biting bugs like mosquitoes. There are also insect repellents that use these ingredients in lotion or wipe form, removing the risk of inhaling bug spray.

4. Stay Cool

young woman sweating outside with towel around shoulders and cold water bottle in hand

Mosquitoes are drawn to pheromones that your body releases in your sweat. If you want to prevent bug bites, try avoiding or minimizing sweat. You may attract fewer insects if you take steps to keep cool during peak mosquito hours, such as drinking cold water, sitting in shade, applying cooling cloths, etc.

5. Wear Tightly Woven Fabrics

Biting insects struggle to penetrate clothing that has a tight weave. Loosely woven fabrics like cotton and linen don’t provide much protection against these bugs. However, many synthetic fibers such as those in athletic apparel are woven tightly enough to keep bugs out. If a garment offers sun protection, it will also help prevent bug bites.

6. Avoid Perfumes and Scented Products

pink glass bottle of perfume

Mosquitoes are attracted to a lot of scents, not just your pheromones. Any scented perfume, lotion, body spray, or other scented product could potentially attract biting insects. If you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from bug bites, reduce your attractiveness to these insects by avoiding scented products on your skin and clothes.

7. Use Natural Insect Repellents

Bug spray isn’t the only way to repel biting insects. You can also utilize natural insect repellents to help keep these bugs at bay. Scents like citronella, lavender, basil, and lemongrass can help reduce the number of mosquitoes hanging around. You can place these plants around your yard or use candles and oils to add the scent to the air around you.

More Ways to Protect Your Skin

Bug bites aren’t the only ailment that may affect your skin during the warmer months. Sunburn is also very prevalent this time of year. If you want to prevent sunburn, make sure you follow these best ways to protect yourself from sun damage so your skin can stay healthy all season long!

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